+971 56 1111 8038

✉ Info@eoroe.ae

    +971 56 1111 8038

✉  info@eoroe.ae

About Us

About Us

Eoroe global is a UAE based company with a strong focus on specializing in biodegradable products and creates awareness. Both within the industry and externally. Our journey started as we thrive for a healthier way of living both at home and outside of our homes. We found a way of reducing the simple material around us that can be so harmful to our environment. This is where our research and development team came up with a solution which is 100% bio-degradable which is complementary to our environment.

A concept that what we borrow from the earth should be returned to earth these are the products of “Eoroe” a company created in the UAE.

Aims and Mission


Our aim is to become the leading manufactures within the region for bio-degradable products develop and nurture a brand that is born in the UAE.

Our Values
  • Made in the UAE Products
  • Solution provider of biodegradable products
  • Aligned with government initiative and UN sustainable goals
  • Commitment towards creating an awareness within our industry
  • Continuous improvement of our products and services

Our Mission:

  • Achieve in replacing plastic products from biodegradable materials and reducing the harmful effects on our environment.
  • Working with our partners to sustain and protect the environment and invest its resources efficiently to ​ensure the global sustainability goals.
  • Creating awareness of sustainability and environmental issues. which is one of our two key pillars and reducing the carbon footprint.
  • Diversity is imperative for both business sectors and our people.